Our Beta Launch of Flame: What to Expect


Flame is the “Steam” of Web3, a non-custodial multi-chain wallet and game launcher designed for games that use blockchain technology, such as NFTs or cryptocurrency.

Gamers around the world spend billions of dollars on video game currency and items they do not actually own. Blockchain games offer a way to take true ownership of your game and create real-world economic value and opportunity for anyone with an internet connection.

Flame puts it all in one place — a non-custodial wallet, an aggregated marketplace, and a decentralized distribution platform and ecosystem for blockchain games.

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60 Partners

We've partnered with some of the hottest games in web3. You can find a full list here.

User Feedback

Flame Store

During the beta launch, we will be collecting feedback from our users. We encourage you to share your thoughts and suggestions with us. We will be closely monitoring the feedback we receive and make adjustments as necessary.

What this means for other ecosystems


With our first beta live, we now begin the work of empowering ecosystems in Web3 and beyond to white label our solution and launch stores of their own.

It’s a matter of trust

In their current state, crypto games are painful to play. Getting started can take many steps across multiple platforms. Game discovery happens in isolated communities like Discord and Telegram, which are filled with scams.

Crypto games are also becoming more graphically intense (and downloadable), so a trusted hub for users to download crypto games is more important than ever.